Wednesday, April 13, 2011

All at One Point. Complicated Stuff and Fish.

Until about five minutes ago I had never heard of this short story and I 'm still not even sure I read it at all if that makes sense. I'm not entirely sure of what happened at all, really all I understood was something about making pasta and people with unpronounceable names that had numbers in it. First off my question is what kind of maid is going to take the time to make pasta noodles from scratch, I feel like something like that would take all day. Then when we talked about it in class, somehow it seemed everyone but me related it to the big bang and the beginning of the universe. I fail to see how this story has anything to do with space or the universe or the beginning of anything other than how to make noodles which I pictured as Ramen noodles but now that I think about it its probably Spaghetti noodles. That was my big story question, what kind of noodles.

The second story "The Aquatic Uncle" was much more interesting and easier to follow. I didn't get to finish it though before we started to talk about it. It was an interesting subject matter, no one really writes about fish and mud guppies and primitive mammals. I liked how they were talked about as if they had advanced thought conscious. Like it was a family decision to either go on land or stay in the water. We follow a family that decided to go onto land and while they haven't fully developed as much as some, the're still far from the water dwellers. THe main character of this family then falls in love with a far more advanced mammal, one I pictured as a meer cat of some sort.

If you really want to look into it then this is more of a story about acceptance and not really about evolution. You have to be able to love your family no matter what, even the grumpy great uncle that lives in the swamp.

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